“Chandigarh Weather Update for January 23, 2025: Clear Skies, Moderate AQI, and Pleasant Temperatures”
Current Temperature & Forecast As of today, January 23, 2025, the temperature in Chandigarh is 21.28°C. The forecast predicts a minimum temperature of 11.82°C and a maximum temperature of 22.96°C.
Humidity and Wind Conditions The relative humidity in Chandigarh is currently at 28%, and the wind speed is measured at 28 km/h.
Sunrise & Sunset The sun rose at 07:18 AM and will set at 05:50 PM today.
Air Quality Index (AQI) The Air Quality Index (AQI) today is 136.0, which indicates moderate air quality. Individuals, especially children and those with respiratory issues, are advised to limit prolonged outdoor exposure.
Weather Outlook for January 24, 2025 Tomorrow’s forecast predicts temperatures ranging from a minimum of 11.09°C to a maximum of 23.99°C. Humidity is expected to be around 31%. The sky will remain clear throughout the day.
Tips for Today Enjoy the clear skies, but remember to wear sunscreen and sunglasses when outdoors. It’s a perfect day to enjoy the sunshine while being mindful of air quality.
Extended Weather and AQI Forecast Stay updated with the weather predictions for the next 7 days and plan your activities accordingly. For detailed weather conditions in other cities, click here.