“Chandigarh Weather Update for January 23, 2025: Clear Skies, Moderate AQI, and Pleasant Temperatures”
Current Temperature & Forecast As of today, January 23, 2025, the temperature in Chandigarh is 21.28°C. The forecast predicts a minimum temperature of 11.82°C and a maximum temperature of 22.96°C. Humidity and Wind Conditions The relative humidity in Chandigarh is currently at 28%,
Chandigarh Weather Update: Clear Skies, Moderate Air Quality, and Comfortable Temperatures
The current temperature in Chandigarh is 18.83°C, with a minimum temperature of 9.5°C and a maximum temperature of 21.53°C. The weather is expected to remain clear, with 37% humidity and wind speeds of 37 km/h. Weather Outlook Chandigarh is predicted to experience a
Dense Fog and Smog Blanket Punjab, Chandigarh, and Haryana, Worsening Air Quality and Health Risks
On the morning of November 13, 2024, a thick layer of smog engulfed the regions of Punjab, Chandigarh, and Haryana, severely reducing visibility and driving air quality to “very poor” levels. The dense fog, combined with stubble burning from neighboring fields, has worsened