Chandigarh Weather Update: Clear Skies, Moderate Air Quality, and Comfortable Temperatures
The current temperature in Chandigarh is 18.83°C, with a minimum temperature of 9.5°C and a maximum temperature of 21.53°C. The weather is expected to remain clear, with 37% humidity and wind speeds of 37 km/h.
Weather Outlook
Chandigarh is predicted to experience a minimum temperature of 9.71°C and a maximum temperature of 21.21°C in the coming day. Humidity will be at 30%, with clear skies throughout the day.
Air Quality
The Air Quality Index (AQI) stands at 149.0, indicating moderate air quality. It is recommended that children and individuals with respiratory conditions limit prolonged outdoor exposure. Being aware of the AQI can help protect your health and well-being during outdoor activities.
Weather Tips
With the sunny weather, it’s advisable to wear sunscreen and sunglasses while enjoying the outdoors. Planning ahead with the weather in mind will ensure a more comfortable and enjoyable day.